Work from Home Stock Footage
Our work from home stock footage collection is shot primarily in 4K resolution and showcases a diverse range of attractive professional models who are actually freelancers in different settings working from home or from anywhere on a laptop.
Our collection is shot in Thailand and Malaysia and we have the model releases for all our models . The footage is shot primarily with a high powered Panasonic GH5 4K camera. With a purchase a royalty free license you may use our footage for commercial use in your projects with an easy to use royalty free license. The footage can be purchase online and will be delivered instantly online for you to download.

How do I get the footage?
Please click the purchase link to follow the instructions to purchase. You will some get a few files instantly and you receive the rest with a downloadable link shortly after.
What format are the files in?
The files are shot primarily in 4K and Full HD resolution encoded in h264 in .mov and mp4
What is the difference purchasing with you versus an agency like Shutterstock?
You are purchasing direct from the creator. So you are able to get more value. The price you pay from us will give you access to an entire footage set because there is no middleman