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Adobe Premiere 2020 – How to Match Music Beats to your Video Clips

Adobe Premiere 2020 – How to Match Music Beats to your Video Clips

Adobe Premiere 2020 offers a great way to allow you to match beats to your clips like in the Video. This is a great technique if you are making a music video or a vlog and you have a great music track you want to synch automatically.

Here are the steps:

  1. Check your keyboard shortcuts to add Marker. By default it is “M”

  2. Place your music track in the timeline

  3. In the project panel make sure you have selected the portion (usually 1 second or less) of those clips you want to synch using “i” (Mark in) and “o” (Mark out)

  4. Play the music in the timeline and click the key for “M” to add the market. You should see the icons being added in the timeline

  5. Now you can select your clips in sequential order to match to the beat

  6. Select Automate to Sequence

Adobe Premiere - match music beats to video clip

Watch the video for some details that are easier to follow because there are few minor gotchas like markers not being added to the timeline and instead being added to the clips. This video lesson is a part of the Adobe Premiere 2020 Online Video Editing Course. It is available at a promotional price if you click here.

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